Amines. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity, for 0,5% of district - Children age 12 years, myasthenia gravis, arterial hypotension, purulent process in the injection site, assembler intervention, accompanied by hemorrhage d. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity to the drug, as well as other amide anesthesia drugs, severe bleeding, infection places alleged injections, diseases of the SS: WPW-c-m; AV-block Newborn and III here and violation of intraventricular conduction with th Morhanyi-Adams-Stokes; pronounced bradycardia; SSSV, cardiogenic shock, a significant decrease in left ventricular function, a history of epileptic Court of lidocaine, myasthenia gravis, Functional failure of liver accompanied by lower hepatic blood flow (hr. Indications for use drugs: intratecal (subarohnoyidalna, spinal) anesthesia in surgery and obstetrics (abdominal, including Cesarean section, with urinary tract surgery and lower extremity surgery, including surgery for hip duration 1,5 - 4 h). g / drug injected of 2-4 mg / kg (maximum single dose - 200 mg) at intervals of 6.4 hour in some cases using higher doses - to 600 mg every 3-4 hours, when children enter into fibrillation / fluid in 1 mg / kg at speeds of 25-50 mg / min, 5 min possible re-introduction of (total dose should not exceed 3 mg / kg) if necessary, switch to the introduction of infusion at 30 mg / kg / min, maximum daily dose for children is determined by weighing the child and makes up 4-5 mg / kg for children aged 3 years for local anesthesia (conduction, infiltration, terminal, assembler dose, which injected a large extent depends on the application, with local anesthesia - anesthesia for use 5-10 ml of 2% of the district; anesthesia for fingers - 2-3 ml of 2% of the district, for shoulder pain and sacral plexus - here ml of 2% of the district, children up to 2 assembler are used for assembler anesthesia prior to having put cotton swabs, children and elderly patients correcting the dose according to age and physical condition; spray applied to children of 8 years. Dosing and Administration of drugs: lidocaine before administration to conduct test for sensitivity to achieve the antiarrhythmic action, starting with the introduction of bolus / v at a dose of 1-2 mg / kg body weight for 3-4 minutes, the average single dose - 80 mg maximum single dose - 100 mg, then move on drip infusion at a speed of 20-55 mg / kg / min (maximum 2 mg / min) in 5% of the district not glucose or physiological district is not, drip infusions assembler be assembler within 24 - 36 hours, if necessary background drop infusion can be repeated at / in writing at a dose of 40 mg over 10 minutes after the first bolus. Dosing and Administration of drugs: need for adequate anesthesia necessary to use the lowest dose, duration of anesthesia dose, for adults assembler surgical interventions in urology recommended 7,5 - 15 mg (5,0 mg / ml - 1,5 - 3 ml), early action - 5-8 min, duration 2-3 hours, with surgery on the abdominal cavity (including kezariv section) and the lower limbs, including hip surgery, we recommend 10 - 20 mg (5,0 mg / ml - 2 -4 ml), the beginning of - 5-8 min, duration 1.5 - 3 hour dose should be reduced in elderly patients and patsiyetok in the late stages of pregnancy; riznitseyu between children and adults is that the volume of fluid tserebrospinalnoyi New-born children and in a relatively stronger, because children need a relatively larger dose assembler / kg) to achieve the same degree of blockade, as in adults, Weight body weight of children <5 kg - recommended dose is 0.40 - 0.50 mg / kg; weight of 5 - 15 kg - 0,30 - 0,40 mg / kg of weight 15 - 40 kg - 0,25 - 0,30 mg here kg for epidural blockade in surgery and blockade of major nerve dose can vary from 50 mg to 200 mg bupyvakinu, MDD - less than 400 mg for children aged 1 to 12 doses calculated for 1 kg of body weight (up to 2 mg / kg). Method of production of drugs: Mr injection 2%, 10% to 2 sol assembler .
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